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British Values and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development

SMSC at Loscoe CE Primary School

What is SMSC?

It is the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development of the children in our school. This is not a separate subject that is taught explicitly but an aspect of learning that should be present in lessons and behaviour in school. Some lessons lend themselves more easily to direct SMSC development such as PSHE and SRE. Coverage of this development has been mapped across each year group for this subject area. This can be found attached at the bottom of the page. We have also mapped out where SMSC values are developed within our main topics for the academic year. This document can be found at the bottom of this page.

SMSC is developed through our collective worships, behaviour expectations and our attitudes in school. We recognise that the personal development of children, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally, plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve. We want to give each child the opportunity to explore social and moral issue; develop a sense of social and moral responsibility and promote the British Values. We therefore aim to provide an education that provides children with opportunities to explore and develop:

  • Their own values and beliefs
  • Their own spiritual awareness
  • Their own high standards of personal behaviour
  • Their team and collaborative skills
  • A positive, caring attitude towards other people
  • An understanding of their social and cultural traditions
  • An understanding of democratic processes and the law in England
  • An appreciation and acceptance of the diversity and richness of their cultures
  • Their opportunities to experience other cultures
  • Their ability to celebrate each other’s successes
  • Their access to a range of educational visits


Our Values