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Mental Health

What is Mental Health?

“Mental health is a state of well-being in which everyone realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal

stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her of his community.”

(World Health Organization 2014)

Mrs Lynam is our school Mental Health First Aider and Mental Health lead.

Did you know…?

There is an average 10 year delay between young people displaying first symptoms and getting help

(Centre for Mental Health, 2021)

One in six school-aged children has a mental health problem. This is an alarming rise from one in ten in 2004 and one in nine in 2017 ( NHS Digital, 2020)

Further facts about mental health in children and young people can be found at:

At Loscoe (C of E) Primary school and Nursery, we are committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of our pupils and staff to ensure that the school is a community where everyone feels able to thrive. Healthy minds and bodies are essential if children are able to learn, form positive relationships and lead fulfilling lives.

As a school, we recognise that everyone experiences life challenges that can make us more vulnerable and at times,

anyone may need additional emotional support. We take the view that positive mental health is everyone’s business and we all have a role to play.

How we teach about Mental Health at Loscoe (C of E) Primary School

Mental health and wellbeing is taught as part of our comprehensive PSHE and RSHE curriculum. We aim to promote pupils’ wellbeing through the development of healthy coping strategies and five key skills - how to:

  • Manage their own emotions
  • Self-soothe in times of distress
  • Make good decisions
  • Problem solve
  • Develop healthy relationships

When planning our curriculum and lessons, we ensure that it is linked to the needs of the children in Loscoe Primary school and we continually respond and adapt our teaching to any common themes and concerns that arise. 

Mental health is also taught through assemblies and during Mental Health Awareness Week.

Supporting Mental Health in Our School

Our role in school is to ensure that children are able to manage times of change and stress and that they can access help when they need it. We aim to teach children:

  • when to seek help;
  • what help is available ;
  • the likely outcomes of seeking support.

We also understand that part of our role, as educators, is to be aware of early signs that may indicate a member of our school community needs help with their mental health or wellbeing.

If we suspect a child is struggling with their wellbeing or mental health the teacher will follow the school's agreed graduated approach to input support:

  • In the first instance we will contact parents / carers to arrange an informal meeting to share any common concerns between home and school. Depending on the age/ nature of the concerns, the child may chose to be involved in the meeting or give their views afterwards. 
  • As a result of the meeting we may decide to introduce some early additional support for a short period. (see below for details of levels of support).
  • An agreed review date will be set and further school based action may be agreed or external support or advice may then be sought. 

Levels of Support

  • Universal Support – all pupils needs are met through our overall ethos, school values, our PSHE and wider curriculum.
  • Early additional support – for those who may have short term needs or may have been made vulnerable by life experiences such as separation or bereavement. Support may include use of specific interventions such as Positive Play, Derbyshire Behaviour Box or time spent with a trusted adult discussing issues and feelings in a non-intrusive way, for example through the use of therapeutic stories.
  • Targeted Support/ Specialist – where children’s needs are complex or beyond the scope and expertise of the teaching staff, further advice may be needed. At this stage, referrals will be made to wider professionals, for example: CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service).

Parent Zone

Useful Links

You're Never Too Young To Talk Mental Health - parent leaflet for primary children