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Reception Photos

In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) at Loscoe Primary School and Nursery, we provide a stimulating learning environment which encourages our pupils to be independent, active learners and to learn through play and exploration. Continuous provision allows the children to take control of their learning and be independent by accessing their own choice of resources and making their own decisions. Our experienced EYFS staff encourage and extend learning through quality interactions within the continuous provision. At Loscoe we believe your child’s emotional needs are paramount to happiness and achievement and as such aim to create a caring, secure, natural environment where your child can thrive. 

Our exciting and engaging curriculum in our Reception class (Alps Class) is based on a thematic approach. This is enhanced with quality texts and questions of enquiry to develop age related skills and knowledge and children are able to build upon the prior learning, skills and knowledge from the time spent in Foundation One (Nursery). We also incorporate and follow the children's interests using the whole EYFS environment. Children have access to an outdoor learning environment and we regularly plan in teaching activities to incorporate our extensive school grounds.

The EYFS practitioners use an online learning journal to share children's learning experiences and 'Wow moments' with parents . Parents can add to their child’s journal and share experiences at home. We have an open door policy where parents are welcome to discuss their child’s progress at any time. Parents are formally invited to discuss their child's progress at least twice a year at a parent information evening. Parents are also invited to attend regular meetings to share information about how they can support their child at school and 'Play and Stay' afternoons. At the end of the EYFS year, each child will receive a report on their progress over the year in the areas listed below. They will also be given an attainment level (emerging, expected) for each area. The "expected" level is what an EYFS child is expected to be working at come the end of the Reception year. A child that is "emerging" has not yet reached the expected level and any areas where further support is needed will become focus point during the first term in Year One.

EYFS areas of learning and their associated Early Learning Goals.

Characteristics of effective learning:
Playing and exploring  Active learning – motivation Creating and thinking critically – thinking

Children investigate and experience things, and 'have a go'.

Children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties and enjoy achievements.

Children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things.

Prime Areas:

Communication and Language

*Listening, Attention and Understanding


Personal, Social and Emotional Development

*Self Regulation

*Managing Self

*Building Relationships

Physical Development

*Gross Motor Skills

*Fine Motor Skills

Specific Areas:



*Word Reading




*Numerical Patterns

Understanding of the World

*Past and Present

*People Culture and Communities

*The Natural World

Expressive Arts and Design

*Creating with Materials

*Being Imaginative and Expressive