School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, or if you require a paper copy, please ask the school office.
Please note that DDAT Trust-wide policies can be accessed through - DDAT Trust Wide Policies
Our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policies
- 4.1 Accessibility Plan 10.23
- 4.2 DDAT Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy Sept23 .pdf
- 4.3 Pupils with Additional Health Needs Attendance Policy 10.23
- 4.5 SEND information report 2023 10.23
- 4.5 Special_Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Policy 10.23
- 4.6 Supporting_Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy 10.23
- 4.7 LAC Policy 10.23
- 4.8 Reduced Timetable Policy 10.23
- 4.9 Anti-bullying Policy 10.23
- 4.10 Child on child Abuse Policy 10.23
- 4.11 Children missing education policy 10.23
- 4.12 external contributors speakers guidance 10.23
- 4.13 Intimate Care Policy 10.23
- 4.14 Online Safety Policy 10.23
- 4.15 Positive Behaviour Support including physical interventions 10.23
- 4.16 Private Fostering Policy 10.23
- 4.17 Separated Parents Policy 10.23
- 4.18 Extremism and radicalisation policy 10.23
- 5.1 pshe-rse-policy 10.23
Our Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policies
- 6.1 Behaviour Policy 2023 -24 10.23
- 6.2 Behaviour principles written statement 10.23
- 6.3 Suspension and Exclusion Policy 10.23
Health and safety policies
- 7.1 Health and Safety Policy DDAT 10.23
- 7.2 First aid and accident reporting policy 10.23
- 7.4 Educational Visits Policy DDAT- eVisit 10.23
- 7.5 Adverse Weather Procedure Policy 10.23
- 7.6 Medication Policy DDAT.doc 10.23
Other Policies
- DDAT Tendering and Procurement Policy
- Gifts, Hospitality and Anti-bribery Policy
- 2.1 Charging and Remissions Policy 10.23
- 2.2 DDAT Data Protection Policy 10.23
- 2.3 Protection of Biometric Data Policy 10.23
- 2.5 DDAT Attendance Policy 10.23
- 2.7 DDAT Complaints Procedure Policy 10.23
- 3.1 Capability of Staff - Competence procedure for support staff.docx
- 3.1 Capability of Staff - Formal competence procedure for teachers.docx
- 3.2 Early Career Teacher (ECT) Induction Policy- DDAT- January 2022 10.23
- 3.3 DDAT Disciplinary Procedure Feb 2022 10.23
- 3.3 DDAT Grievance Procedure 10.23
- 3.3 DDAT Staff and Visitors Code of Conduct Policy 10.23
- 3.4 DDAT DBS _ SCR Policy 10.23
- 3.5 Allegations Against Staff, Carers and Volunteers 10.23
- 3.6 Social media policy 10.23
- 3.7 Device and Technology Acceptable Use Agreement for Staff 10.23
- 3.8 Equal opportunities policy (and statement) 10.23
- 3.9 DDAT Recruitment and Selection Policy Sept 2023 10.23
- 3.10 DDAT Whistleblowing_Policy February 2023 10.23
- 3.11 Parent Code of Conduct Policy and agreement 10.23
- 3.12 DDAT Cyber Security Policy 2023 10.23
- 7.1 Health and Safety Policy DDAT 10.23
- 1.1 Loscoe Admissions Policy 2025.26.pdf