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Our response to the COVID 19 pandemic

We recognise that Covid 19 has impacted many people in so many different ways. As a school, we look to our faith to help guide us during these uncertain times and remain hopeful. 

We have talked lots in classes and collective worships about how we can spread positivity so here's just some of things we have done over the last 18 months. 

  • Litter picking in the local community.
  • Creating a happy caterpillar along red river which has been continued by our community.
  • Sending videos, cards and pictures to residents in care homes. 
  • Planting flowers to enjoy in Spring.
  • Creating a reflection area inspired by Remembrance day.
  • Creating class productions to share to online audiences and spread a little joy!

We know these actions on their own are only small BUT together they make a big difference! 

Our faith can move mountains. Matthew- 17:20