Wraparound Care: Breakfast / After-School Clubs
Breakfast Club
Part of school’s current initiative is to provide a breakfast club, which includes not only childcare from 7:30am in the morning but also a healthy breakfast. We do our best to cater for every child and typically offer a choice of cereals, porridge, fruit, yoghurts and toast.
We charge £4.00 per day, per child, however this service is free to all children who are entitled to free school meals.
A healthy start to the day - in a comfortable, safe environment - is something that we feel very passionate about and we hope that you will consider joining us.
After School Club
Another integral part of the school's wraparound care provision is Mrs Martin and Mrs Oliver's after-school club, which provides a secure, reliable yet affordable option for those parents or carers who require childcare after school.
As well as being given food and drink, your child will have chance to relax with their friends whilst playing, reading or colouring.
The cost is just £4.00 per hour per child.
For more information about the clubs or to book a place for your child, please contact the school office on 01773 713396.
Parents may also pay for their wraparound care using the government's tax free childcare offer. For more information, please visit - https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk/
Please Note:
Our wrap around care provision is available to all children in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. We have a limited number of places available to children in EYFS (Reception and Nursery) due to having to maintain strict adult to children ratios as detailed in the EYFS statutory framework.