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Community Links

St Luke's Church

St Luke's is our local Church of England place of worship. St Luke's welcome our whole school for services and celebrations led by our children, and also for RE lessons. They are a key pillar in our community, and support groups like the Scouts, Brownies and the Charles Hill Community Centre committee. 

Loscoe Baptist Church

We are very proud of our links with Loscoe Baptist Church. Pastor John joins us for collective worship every Monday to tell us stories from the bible, and our classes have been welcomed into the church to learn about the church's history and community.

Intergenerational Project

Loscoe children took part in an exciting and rewarding project to design activities for residents in our local care home. During the COVID 19 pandemic, while residents were not able to welcome visitors or go out, our children linked up virtually to lead singing, crafts, art, music and poetry sessions. The sessions ended with a quiz, with children researching general knowledge that our senior neighbours would be likely to know.

Charles Hill Community Centre Development Project

Our school is very involved in the regeneration of Charles Hill and the plans for the new community centre. Mrs Yates is a member of the trustee board, along with other members of our committee and town council. In the past few months, the children have met with some of the board to discuss their ideas for the community centre, submitted design ideas to help support some of the funding bids and are getting involved in planning a Jubilee Celebration in the summer. 

The project is something close to all of our hearts, as it will ensure that everyone in our community can access activities and sports, no matter their age or ability, as well as helping celebrate the rich history of Loscoe and the people within it. 

Charity events and fund raising 

A Loscoe we support wider charities by running fundraising events at school including:

Children In Need

Macmillan cake sales

Race 4 life

Ukraine day

We purchased a defibrillator for the local community

Harvest festival donations to local community groups

Christmas donation hampers to local families 

Supporting local community groups:

Some of our staff, including Mrs Yates and our vice chair of governors, Mrs Giles, run Brownies and Rainbows in our local community.  Many of our children attend these groups and come to Church also.  

Support Green community issues:

Children plant tress at school 

We made a garden for a community garden at Chatsworth

We have done a litter picks in the local community.