School Improvement Plan
The School Improvement Plan is organised in sections:
Achievement gap issues
Higher level boys maths Girls reading FSM reading SEND writing Attendance - all areas link with PA pupils - strong correlation between ARE and PA. Writing (see action plan).
- Objective 1 a. To improve the quality of teaching and learning: use of memory, prior knowledge and purposeful practice in learning, use of homework to support learning.
- b. To improve effectiveness of assessment: staff knowledge, formative, summative and diagnostic assessment, utilising whole school (and Trust) FFT system well, marking and feedback.
- Objective 2 SEMH -To improve the social and emotional wellbeing of identified groups within school.
- Objective 3 To improve leadership: staff CPD, effectiveness of PDMs, improving monitoring and evaluation from all leaders.
- Objective 4 To embed a firm understanding of key world faiths across the school.
Please see our aims in each area for 2023-24