Do for others what you want them to do for you.
Matthew 7:12
Behaviour Policy
Please find a copy of our behaviour policy here.
Loscoe School Rules
Our expectations for positive behaviour are deeply rooted in our three whole-school rules.
These rules are consistently reinforced through collective worship, visual displays around the school, and the actions of our entire school community. They are woven into school daily life, shaping our teaching and learning experiences.
We encourage thoughtful reflection on each rule by exploring its meaning, understanding our rights and engaging in practical activities.
Praise and rewards
Every Friday, our school community comes together for a special celebration collective worship, led by our worship team. This uplifting assembly provides an opportunity to recognise and celebrate our children's positive behaviour and achievements.
Exceptional effort or behaviour may be rewarded with a Headteacher’s Award. Additionally, children earn ClassDojo points for demonstrating positive behaviours. These points accumulate over time, allowing them to achieve bronze, silver, and gold certificates in recognition of their success.
Behaviour curriculum
Positive behaviour is taught to all pupils as part of our behaviour curriculum, in order to enable them to understand what behaviour is expected and encouraged and what is unacceptable.
Positive reinforcement is used by staff where expectations are met to acknowledge good behaviour and encourage repetition.
Our behaviour curriculum focusses on defining positive behaviour and making it clear what this looks like, including the key habits and routines required by the school, e.g. lining up quietly outside the classroom before a lesson.
Routines are used to teach and reinforce the expected behaviours of all pupils.
Our behaviour curriculum includes expectations of expectations inside school and on school visits, swimming and church visits. It also includes how children should behave in the community.
We treat all children fairly, which might not mean all children are treated equally.
Behaviour is always be considered in relation to a pupil’s SEND. If it is deemed that a pupil’s SEND has contributed to their misbehaviour, the school will consider whether it is appropriate and lawful to sanction the pupil.
Where a pupil is identified as having SEND, the graduated approach is used to assess, plan, deliver and review the impact of support being provided.
The school aims to anticipate likely triggers of misbehaviour and put in place support to prevent these, taking into account the specific circumstances and requirements of the pupil concerned. Staff know children and families well and make appropriate adaptation for individuals.
What do others say about our fantastic behaviour?
Pupils behave well. Older pupils play happily with the younger children at lunchtimes.
Ofsted 04.23
all feel safe, valued and equipped to release their full potential
SIAMS 11.22
Leaders show boldness in applying the vision to those with additional needs. They are highly valued as unique individuals. High levels of nurture are shown by all adults.
SIAMS 11.22